Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Reaction: Landscapes of the Second Nature

This text spoke about a number of projects that laid out a landscape terrain as a generator of form for the future occupation of the site. The designs were not just landscape reclamation projects but a way of integrating reclamation with reoccupation. The Cospuden project, by ARU is mentioned and speaks to the revitalization of a mining landscape that has been stripped bare. The "scars" of the sites history are becoming flooded over time and the firm is designing it in such a way that the land scape informs the way the city develops.

"A landscape-scale architectural infrastructure that will provide a spatial framework for buildings in the future."

Another interesting project by ARU (Architectural Research Unit) is the Paju Book City. This city in korea is specifically designated to the publishing enterprise. The design seeks to meld the artifitial with the natural history of the Han River and create a urban wetland. The structure of the city consists of 4 long urban peices that follow the landscapes current condition. The idea of this project seems to have surpassed the implimentation of the ideas on to the landscape.

"Landscapes of the Second Nature"
Michael Spens
Architectural Design

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